Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Solution to Android connectivity problems

A few posts ago,  there was post mentioning the process of converting the laptop to a WIFI  hotspot.
Well, all the efforts and then the android phone refuses to connect.

As though possessing a will of its own.
It connects once in  a blue moon and shows who the boss is .

After spend quite some time in frustration and surfing online
The problem I faced was as follows

Phone connects to wifi
But does not get a valid IP address
then it disconnects
Scans after some time and repeats the procedure again and again and again.

I got a few workarounds

I will mention them so that others wont have the feeling of throwing their phone out of the window
and onto a  busy street where the probability of the phone being crushed is certain.

A simple method is to install WIFI FIXER  app

It resets the phone's wifi and enables you to connect.
It also monitors the phone's wifi status which is a neat feature.

Another method is to use a static ip
The process is as follows

Before switching on the wifi

Go in wifi settings
click on advanced
check the use static ip address box

enter the following settings
ip address:-

Once this is completed enable your wifi

The phone should immediately connect to the wifi network
wait for some time just to make sure it stays connected.

Once you are assured that your phone is connected to wifi.
Again go in wifi settings
advanced tab
and uncheck the use static ip address box

At this time you should the ip address in use in the box above the static ip address box

Once you un check your use static ip address box

Your phone will still remain connected and you will be able to browse on your phone

wishing everyone a merry christmas


Friday, 16 November 2012

A Wintry Morning with a Splash of Spring

Opening eyes in  a wintry morning,
Looking beyond the bed and
into the field of swirling daffodils
with amber bathed skies,
the sun hovering like a hot ball of fire
yet the heat of those flames is surprisingly soothing.
Walking into the fields for routine chores
expecting a cold hair raising gust
Instead being welcomed by the energy
in swaying flowers
The breeze acting a like a partner
in the marvellous dance of nature.
A day shall come soon when the flowers are dried
but they show no signs
 enjoying the breeze.
A splash of white on the otherwise golden land,
may we all see this beauty as the skies can.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

WIndows 7 wifi hot spot

There are a lot of resources to convert your windows 7 machine to a wifi hot spot on the internet.
I am just trying to summarize some of the problems I faced and some of the things I tried in order to
make it into a hot spot.
I hope it can be of use to some one.

There are some applications that convert your laptop to a hot spot. One such application is the  virtual router software. Its pretty simple with a gui, few steps and we have a hot spot.
Heres a link for the same

The second method is through the terminal or command prompt
For that we need to create a virtual miniport adapter.
Once the  adapter is done a  few commands and the laptop is a wifi hot spot.

Go to  the command prompt.
Make sure you run it with administrator privileges or else it will not work.

Type the command
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=urname key=password

This should make the adapter.

Make sure that the adapter is enabled if you have disabled it previously

Make sure to enable wireless networking in the laptop before the next command

type in
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

this should give a message saying "the hostednetwork has started" in the command prompt.

To stop the hostednetwork type in
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

and you should get a message saying the "the hostednetwork has stopped"

To share internet connection with the network that you set you, perform the following steps.

Open the networking control panel
Go to the adapter currently connected to the internet.
Go in properties open sharing tabs
once the sharing tab is opened .
select the microsoft virutal adapter from the drop down menu.

If sharing is enabled on some other adapter you will get a warning and on accepting the sharing properties should change to your current network

Walla you have a wifi hotspot



Thursday, 25 October 2012

Growing Up

When do some people get maturity or rather do people get maturity at all, is one of the questions I have wondered about for quite some time.
When I was a kid a felt or heard from my parents that maturity came out of a need.  It was the situation in which the person had been which was responsible for the maturity in that person.

But now, as I go about life, I see different examples where the situations expects the individual to show maturity, however there's not even a glimpse of maturity seen. Its more like a black hole where
you atleast hope that some light might escape but alas there's no light after all.

If it's not the situation, then when do people get mature?
Then I though of another question do people mature after a certain period of time. More properly put
is there a time frame after which people do not mature. Not being mature might become inertia.
Once it becomes natural, it becomes very easy to justify the actions taken. Sadly, the rational mind does develop, so reasons are provided a galore.
And if nothing else works then there's temper tantrums like a small child.

It is fun to be childish but if we become childish only to protect our faults its no longer fun.
Then its only protective instinct that leads to our actions or justifications or emotions or whatever may be manifested at that time depending on our social protocol or the relation with the individuals involved in the process.

This leads me to believing that maturity has to be forced on a individual. I am not sure how one can forced to be mature but if one doesn't understand then there is no point waiting.
After some time, the time to understand has already gone and the only time left is to not understand.
That can also be fun, however living in society can be some sort of a problem in that case


Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Sometimes things happen and sometimes we make things happen, but most importantly things happen. So will things happen irrespective of what we think or do or rather want may be for those on a higher level of thinking and gifted vision attributes perceive.
Some say keep thinking of the thing and it will happen some say think start doing and it will happen, some also say that things will happen only when they are supposed to so we should keep doing what we are and like Charlie Sheen puts it 'something will turn up'.
That brings me destiny or des tiny, considering des in french would just be some one name tiny. But is it really tiny or makes up a big part in our life may be our reason for existence.
In India, since ancient times destiny has assumed quite a big role.
In some contexts it has been used to humble the doer(directly taken as 'karta').
In a sense that he is responsible for the events and consequences but its not only him but also some other things greater than him or rather which are beyond his control which are contributing to the end result. So in failure its not the absolute failure of the doer and in success its not the absolute success of the doer, rather a combination of all these elements which have given the results. May not have been favourable.
If we do nothing we don't get anything is what is said atleast. But is it necessarily true ?

Friday, 1 June 2012

Lloyd-max alogrithm again

The lloyd-max algorithm for scalar quantization chooses points randomly in the begining which causes the problem of local minima and global minima
possibily giving a non optimal solution
instead of choosing points randomly in the begining
can we choose them in this way

consider the pdf the r.v.
integrate the pdf till we get 0.5
consider this point as the first boundary point b1
then divide the intervals so obtained further again
in the first interval integrate till cdf is  0.25
consider this to be the second boundary point b2
thus we can acquire as many points as required considering the probabilistic behaviour of the rv

once sufficient number of boundary points are obtained we can the apply the lloyd max algo considering this boundary points
taking the mse and finding the approximation points a1 to an
then working on a1 to an to find the boundary points

the added part would take care that areas which have more probability will have the approximation points closer reducing the mse
hence the drawback mentioned in your notes where points choosen randomly may not be best if probability distributions are considered
can be resolved

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Simple application of Pressure imbalance

Mostly everyone has seen or been to a magic show at least once during the natural course of lifetimes.
I have also been to few  when I was kid.
The magic trick showed then was ' the magician filled a bottle of water with small holes in the cap
for the water to drain out. he then called me on to the stage asked me to look at the bottles and to tell the audience if the holes were authentic or if they were sealed with some transparent glue.
After conformation he gave me the bottle and asked me to turn it upside down and well obviously
water fell out thanks to gravity.
He then took to the bottle in his hands, whispered a few chants, gave the bottle a few shakes and walla
the drizzling water stopped as though gravity wasn't working.'
The trick ended and i have been thinking about it for a quite some time and finally
it dawned
it wasn't the absence of gravity but the mere pressure of air and water which was stopping the water from falling out.
The mumbo-jumbo was just for the amazement of the audience the real trick was in the shakes and wobbles he squeezed the plastic bottle while shaking
And as we very well know squeezing causing pressure and the pressure was sufficient to create an imbalance between air inside and outside the bottle.
Thus stopping the flow of water from the bottle.
Knowing is way more fun then the trick itself.....

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Max-Lloyd algorithm

Here I am talking about the algorithm used for finding the regions in which we are to quantize the given set of values and the values themselves.
As per the Max-Lloyd algo
1) we choose a given set of points as the quantization points
2) we then proceed to find out the region boundary points as perpendicular bisectors so as to minimize the error from the respective set of points
3) we then find the expected value of the point chosen to lie in the interval of interest and call this the new quantization value and so on reiterate the algo
what this basically does is we chose some points and move onto a better approximation of the points, however the algo by itself does not have any clue of the shape of the region so achieved considering two or more dimensional vector space for the points chosen ie group pairs of points.
Hence, even if better MSE(mean square error) can be achieved by changing some of the parameters of the shape of the particular area in consideration then may be the MSE can be reduced further more
For eg if we consider a two dimensional vector space then the algo would most likely settle on a square grid as the best value for MSE. However, a circle would have the least MSE but that will cause problems of coverage and hence hexagons would be the next best option.
So taking all this into account why not modify one the steps of the Lloyd-Max algo
It can be as follows:
Steps 1) , 2) and 3) remain the same during the 1st iteration.
During the next iteration add one more step after step 2) in the algo
Step 3) would now become
Find the MSE on the bisectors at fixed distances. The fixed distance would depend on the spacing of the two dimensional vectors. So when we obtain this we can realize how the MSE changes and modify the shape of the area.

But this would lead to a circle and some areas will remain untouched.
To solve this problem
I have asked to take measurements at fixed distance and not extremely close

Now the previous step 3 will become step 4
And the reiteration can take place

If increasing the quantization levels is permitted then
We can assign  a few levels for the spaces that will be left considering that circles would leave some areas untouched.
However the probability that those spaces are actually utilised by the points will be very less due to the very nature in which the algo works

Thursday, 10 May 2012


I am not talking of a car model or something.
Its the dictionary based coding scheme in digital communications designed by lempel and ziv in 1977
They had an amazingly cool idea. The whole problem prior to this was that when we assume a source having certain distribution say Markov process but then  the source does not produce anything even near that particular process or does not produce states that agree with the general concepts of a Markov process.
Then the whole model goes for a toss. And sometimes instead of coding we end up with something that's even more sad as compared to the original source data stream.
So these guys said, Owell lets not assume what the source distribution instead lets build it up based on statistical model as when the source generates the output.
Hence, when an infinite sequence of source symbols have occurred and the source stabilises to some distribution without major changes, we have the statistics collected so far,  and then we can model based on those statistics itself generating one hell of a code.
The only problem is the fact that we are not assuming anything in the beginning. This is the source of one problem or another. In this case more specifically, we have no clue of the distribution till a lot of statistics have been collected. So, we transmit everything till that is available which kind of is clumsy
when the source changes its statistics or when we start something.
So, how can we overcome this problem??
Solutions may already exist which I am unaware of at this point.
But i feel why not just assume some model and code that way till we generate sufficient data
and then let the LZ algo kick in.
The model we chose might not be an exact representation but even if it does a decent job of coding
a lot is achieved in this bandwidth needy world.
I haven't quite thought of which models we can assume in the beginning.
More on that next time when i have some more idea of what we are exactly dealing with

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Minority By Thought

The most difficult part is to pretend to do what everyone thinks is right. Or rather should I say what is socially right when there is no interest to do it. Its not so simple as I thought, I guess it is a complicated mess after all. Only if being non social was also socially acceptable option. Sadly or merely for most of the lot its quite simple to just be with people. Only if life was simpler then this and just do what we feel like irrespective of what others think. But then again being in minority has its own disadvantages. Doesn’t really matter why we are in minority. Sadly conformity is the only rule that has to be followed irrespective of what happens. Sometimes there is no choice no matter what we intend to do what happens in the end is the only thing that matters. Almost as if we were martyrs saying conformity rules. Only if this could be different. There would be some real understanding beyond words where no one has to say anything but still everything is understood. This could be our Ethiopia. The perfect legacy. Something that ought to be passed on. Thoughts are perceived cherished and then finally passed on unlike other material objects which just perish.

Saturday, 14 April 2012


Have you ever wondered why cricket fielders or for that matter goal keepers jump irrespective of their distance from their respective balls.....
It’s the effort they make even though they are seemingly very far away from their respective targets. And people see them diving around trying to catch a ball they applaud the effort even if it fails in achieving the required output.
What would happen if they did not jump after that and instead just stood still allowing the ball to go past them. I am pretty sure that the people shout at them or rather boo in this case for not even attempting to make an effort to stop the ball. The people are in no condition really to judge what’s happening out there but they still do determine a lot of things for the club as well as the players. Most importantly it’s the fan base that I guess matters to any sportsperson.
Some how I feel people don’t really care much about whether those people can do something or not.
Its more like are they trying for that. Sometimes it just turns to a game of can u act to do that particular thing or not.
It’s whether people seeing that they have done something. It’s secondary that only those particular players know whether they are actually doing it or not.
Sometimes I feel that people should, may be for a second think about spot that particular person is and that no one wants to lose their position or something or want to lose the game but it’s just that it can’t be helped. He has done all that he can and yet the results remains unchanged so why not at least so the people that we are making an effort.
The thing is we forget about the circumstances and get so involved that never realize what we end up commenting on, mostly without thinking about the actual person’s ideas or involvement or for that matter his state.
Such bias, such narrow vision. That we take things to be the way we want them to look instead seeing the whole picture......
This is myopia of perfect vision......

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Light and Heat

Wen light falls on something that particular object becomes hot.
So does light and heat exhibit in the same form. Well may be it does but i feel that they can be treated as two separate entities though linked. Light is just what enables us to see. Whereas heat must be some transfer of energy.
Light can also be said as a transfer of energy. Consider this light is electron rotating causing certain wavelengths in the visible spectrum to be emitted. When this electron collides with some other object
it will transfer all of its energy elastically to the object. Since it does not have infinite energy it should to stop or at least slow down in the rotatory motion. This should cause a change in the wavelength emitted by that electron. Now if it is in the visible spectrum we see it. If it isn't we cant
The object to which it collided should now acquire the energy transferred by the electron. This should cause the electron in the object to revolve faster than before causing hindrance to the opposing forces in the material of which the electron is a part.
This friction can be responsible for the heat liberated.
Now again if that electron is rotating and emitting in the visible region we see the a particular colour
if it stops we see a change in the colour of the object when light falls on it.
most interestingly if all the energy from the colliding electron is transferred to the object that particular electron should stop rotating and also if the electron that it collided with wastes all of its energy as heat in opposition to the material forces of bonding then we should not be able to see anything
May be this is how black holes are. Light doesn't come out well because there is no energy left
all of it just gets spent in overcoming the nuclear forces in the material making that up.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Tennis Court lines are more Wet ??

As compared to the court the  lines generally become more wet even if the amount of rain falling is less.
That's mainly because the lines are made of some form of vinyl compound. By its very nature it does not absorb water. Hence the lines remain more wet as compared to the court where more amount of water is absorbed.

Freedom From Expectations

We think failure is the reason for us to not to try out things which are different when compared to the regular flow of things. I don't feel this may be the only reason. More prominently i feel that its the expectation to succeed or fail that's what is the reason for us not trying. We are afraid of what we expect and more prominently we are afraid of what others expect from us and how we would actually live up to what they expect from us. If we were free from these expectations i think we would have much better chance of doing things in a different way and may be a better way.
Generally, its a tendency for any sports person, destined for greatness as per others, to take a lot of time to win the first cup or tournament at the highest level. But once the first one is done everything else just becomes simple and comes so very fast.
We definitely cant say that the particular person is afraid of losing or is not playing at his best because of the pressure in those situations. They may be applicable to some extent but more prominently i feel its the price to pay when someone becomes too great too early as per the general perception of people.
Anyway if there was some way in which we could get rid of this expectation factor then it may just show us what we think we are capable, what others think we are capable of and most importantly what we actually are capable of .

Monday, 12 March 2012


or address resolution protocol as we all tend to know it.
So this basically is used when we know the ip address or the logical address of some machine and don't know its mac or physical address.
Again physical addresses are used for sending the data to the user or host and network address to determine where is he located for e.g.
network address can be considered to be extension in a phone no that determines which country or state
and the remaining digits the actual phone. Needless to say that both of them are equally important.

OK so now that's done. RARP and IARP are reverse ARP and Inverse ARP.
Both of them are used when we don't know the network address but we are aware of the mac address
We implying the system. So then whats the difference??
Well RARP is used when the machine does not its own ip address but knows its mac address
and IARP is used when we know the layer 2 data but are unaware of the layer 3 mapping
I used the term 'mapping' in context to frame relays because this is where we will mostly come across the term IARP. It is when we know the DLCI information but we are unaware of the mapping.
Here we would be the device connected to the Frame Relay network.

Saturday, 3 March 2012


TTL or time to live
it has two meanings based on the reference of things
if we are considering the Internet and a web site
then it is the amount of time the Internet explorer can keep a page in memory without having to check for updates for e.g. if its 4 hrs
then after 4 hrs that particular page has to be updated

if it is considered with respect to ip  protocols and other such protocols in a router design
then it is the no of hops a particular path consists of.
as in from one router to the next how many routers are there in its path to the destination network
for e.g. rip had a hop count of 15
broadcast packets have a hop count of 1
this is decremented at every router or hop


Nature has built everything with a definite purpose. Everything is so bloody well, mind the language,planned and timed. Everything has its own purpose and meaning. And the amazing is part is
that nature has taken care of embedding this purpose in all of its creations by default. Birds and animals
live their lives by set rules which nature has laid for them. These rules ultimately ensure that no matter what happens the particular entity fulfils its own role in nature's play for all.
Now the problem is were do we fit in all this. What is the purpose of our existence?
I definitely don't think that its just so that we can somehow tilt the balance in some way.  Maybe it is for the sole reason of tilting the balance so that there can be a new beginning. For something to begin some other thing must end.
God as I refer to nature must have put some duty to fulfil in exchange of our existence.Or is it that we are just an anomaly screwing with GOD thus having our fate sealed........

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Bubbles in water and oil

Y do bubbles of air in water move faster than in oil?
Its actually quite simple, something we generally learn in school in such a way that we need understand the practical implication of it.  Mostly, i did not understand the practical implications of the terms i learnt  in school. I guess, i was just young then.
I  should not move off the topic, ya it happens because water is less viscous than oil.
Yup viscosity the simple concept that i never really managed to understand in school. something that opposes any deformation in the shape due to stress.
In our case, as the bubbles move up they have to apply some force on the liquid they are in. This force is applied by bubbles is opposed by the force of the liquid to maintain inertia. It is still and it does not want to move on its own. See we are not responsible for being lazy, nature is. If the liquid has more inertia it will have a greater opposition towards the rising bubbles and the bubbles will move slowly and slowly.
hence bubbles in water move faster than those in oil, as water is less viscous as compared to oil.

Is The Ocean Blue???

Well, pure water is not blue in colour.
Its transparent essentially, meaning that  it has no general colour as such.
Ocean water appears blue because of the way in which light scatters in the water.
Deep see would be more blackish blue because of the absence of light.
Anyway that is actually not the  interesting part, the interesting part is how come the sky and the ocean both scatter light in the same way so as to appear blue. Both are in different forms and there are a lot of different characteristics. Is may be one of the reasons why it was believed in early ages that ether may be present in space.
By this logic it would seem that ether having properties similar to water would scatter light which then pass through the transparent sky and it would seem blue to us.
I wonder if this was one of the reasons. Who knows?

Friday, 24 February 2012


Human life is kind of stupid and funny both at the same time. I guess its the stupid intelligent part that makes it funny. Anyway, leaving that aside, why do we do all leave the way we leave in life?
We work because we need to, for ourselves and those depending on us. Then we work even harder because we want to satisfy all our desires and sometimes other desires as well. We work harder and harder to the point of being manipulated for the same reasons we chose to work. One way of justification could be if as it is we are supposed to live then why not live the best possible life. But then do we really have to work. Aren't there other methods to obtain money. May be simpler ways though they need not always be fair and right, but the worlds never fair as it is to begin with.
But really speaking, is that it, how lame are we that we cannot even think of a better reason. There has to be something in store......
Guess some curtains can never be raised.......

Wednesday, 22 February 2012


why doesnt the pain end?
Is it the eternal suffering we must bear because we are bestowed with emotions or some other reason. I wonder if the saints ever felt sadness and/or happiness. Sadly, even when we are happy we somehow know that it wont last for long. Only if we didnt have this overwhelming shadow of sorrow, would we be prepared to sacrifice our happiness. I doubt this would happen. We would  rather keep all those pleasent thoughts wrapped around us.No matter how less the time it is sufficient to cover us in its warmth and tell us that if there is a sad time there will be a time when we can truly be happy.For the impatient lot, its just the right opportunity to be patient rather than just giving up on things.
No wonder life is called the best teacher.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Seeing Objects

Why do we see objects only when light falls on them?
Generally we would refer to it as reflection taking place or some wavelength being absorbed, the rest of which are not absorbed are sent to our eye to see the light. But consider this
Photon is sort of an electron vibrating at a frequency were the energy of oscillation becomes visible or light is obtained.
Now, when this photon strikes a surface it is bound to share some energy with the electron in the surface thus forcing it to oscillate.  If the energy is released in the visible region then we may able to see it

Monday, 20 February 2012

Law of relativity

 People see the perception of others based on other experience which they have had earlier. These experiences are stored somewhere deep in our mind and we react to it without even knowing about it. An obvious example would, if we feel people look approachable then we have a difference is in our approach to the one when they don’t feel so. Thus, having a relative approach depending on the situation. This only states how much of an impact a-priori knowledge has on the individuals views. To that end voting campaigns if made sufficiently prior and if it is made sure that people make a note of it in their minds then they are more likely to vote if they go without having a conscious notion of voting to a particular party or not voting for a particular party. And amazingly all this is just a conclusion of the theory of relativity.

Saturday, 18 February 2012


We often say that emotions are most complicated to understand and comprehend. Is it actually that way? We think too much. There is that small bunch of threads linking the two hemispheres of the brain which creates all the problems. Cut the thread ,well you may loose some sight and speech, may be more things, but we will get something very rare. The ability to think freely. Hell, I m no expert in split brain surgery but that way emotions would be unbiased of logical sense. I feel the same may be happening when we get angry. Probably the blood circulation to the left brain may be reducing and increasing the dominance of the otherwise snotty right brain. Enabling us to blurt out irrespective of the situation and consequences of our logically divorced actions. Simply put, Emotions aren’t complicated we just don’t let them come out. We think too much and do too little.

Friday, 17 February 2012


Lawn tennis is an amazing sport, it requires  both stamina as well speed.There have been great players in the past from ivan lendl to pete Sampras and now what is currently called as the most competitive phase where the top four are almost there in all the grand slam semis. The sport is at a peak for sure. There is one thing that is slightly bothering in my opinion is that now a days most of the players are power players. I don’t know but some how the elegance factor is missing from the new players. For one i feel its because of the courts. The courts are becoming slower and slower. May for the spectators or tv audiences the courts are being made slow but it isn’t i feel helping the talent in the sort to bloom in the form of elegance. Rafa is amazing player not doubts about that. He runs a lot but would this same type of play be possible on faster courts.The more the courts become slow its sort of an advantage to him.  The slower court implies players have more time to strike the ball and thus most of the players are hard hitting players. Huge serves and extremely hard hitting. Its sort of fun to watch but that grace factor or on court charm when someone hits a shot is missing. Its just the grunt that we can hear. I feel that if they make the courts faster there would be more variety in the tournaments in terms of playing conditions as well as all types of playing styles would be encouraged.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


What our mind perceives as romantic is mostly based on pictures and movies which we see.No wonder its so complicated.But romance, its not something complicated or artificial it's embedded in nature itself.We just have to open our minds to see what we generally ignore or rather misunderstand.Butterflies playing around in groups can be so romantic.Or the squirrels dancing on branches Or simply grass swaying back and forth as though playing around on a totally different note. Being in this calm but mind boggling nature can be romantic beyond our imaginations.That's just how nature is every time we think we understand something it goes a step ahead and tells, inspires us this is what I am and this is what u never saw

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


i was wondering that day how pyramids might have been built
most of the people said that they made huge cranes or machines equivalent to cranes to lift the stones
and place then in perfect symmetry
i feel this is sort of extremely difficult to do
instead Y couldn't they have have kept the first layer of stones and then instead of lifting the stones
above the height of the first layer just move the sand so that the ground level would rise in the form of a ramp where the stones of the second layer can be placed without any lifting
this can be precisely done to form the shape and keep the dimensions intact
ya if you are thinking that at the end of the construction the entire pyramid would be covered in sand
it would be but moving the sand again is simpler than lifting the stones
as it is they had generations of people working and unlimited funds to do it
they could have kept the pyramids buried as well
in many cultures the dead are buried may be the pyramid was also a giant underground tomb


we have been trained for a long time to not to ask questions. Sometimes we suppress what we feel
sometimes we are just afraid and many more things may also happen but importantly we dont ask
Y is this working, Y do we eat this, Y is the sky blue, Y are plants green, Y do we follow certain procedures as prescribed by our elders, Y use this method Y not any other
Mostly when we do have the courage in our childhood to ask such questions we are  shot down.
well there can a be a lot of causes for this
one of them may be the person whom we asked did not know the answer or may be we were too young to understand the answer and the reasoning or may be we are too blind to see that the reason is actually in front of us
whichever way i felt i should try to make a small effort for answering some of the questions which i faced as a child
may be answer some questions which my friends faced or take up any questions and try to answer them to my fullest ability.
i didnt want this to be only on some study topic but in general to apply science to our daily life
because i feel that science cannot be taught from text books it has to be learnt through experience and sharing knowledge with each other. through our own struggles to obtain knowledge apply that knowledge and then teach others to apply it
atleast this is my idea for this blog
i hope i can increase the curiosity of people towards their surroundings